What game would you recommend to someone who hasn’t played anything before?

Here is an internal experiment that led to fascinating outcomes

What game would you recommend to someone who hasn’t played anything before?

Here is an internal experiment that led to fascinating outcomes

The gaming community always remembers which title was the first one they ever played. So these games have become very important to us; they are our portal to a world of challenging adventures, intriguing stories, and captivating characters that somehow change our lives forever.

Depending on the year you were born, you could've begun your gamer record with the first consoles they ever were. The gaming world is filled with various first-time moments, and they all are worth sharing. And throughout the years, the first-timers have come across very different experiences depending on the game and console presented to them. It’s worth mentioning that most of the gamers’ first game played arrived at a very young age, and this kept me thinking…

If someone, let’s say an adult, who hasn’t played video games in their entire lives, had the curiosity to play something (and possibly turn this into a hobby), what would you recommend?

I asked my LevelUp teammates their thoughts on this matter, and here is what they had to say:

The first one to provide me with an answer was Mary. She suggested that the ideal game for a first-timer would be The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (the original one from N64). She commented that this was her first and enjoyed it so much that she couldn't imagine others feeling different about it.

Mary also commented that a funnier and less adventurous game could be a good option, such as Fall Guys or Mario Kart. Also, a more noble and fun approach could be less intense for someone playing video games for the first time.

I think I have to agree with her. Offering a funny outlet as a potential hobby can be an enjoyable experience.

Next, we have Fri. She explained to me that before trying anything too complicated like an online video game, the best option could come from the Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter saga. The arcade experience was very alluring to her while growing up; in her opinion, it was equally challenging and entertaining. Nowadays, physical arcades aren’t that popular, but luckily these titles are available on various consoles.

From her point of view, fighting games are trendy, even among people that don’t consider themselves gamers per se. She does have a point. One of the first games I ever played was Street Fighter II: The World Warrior. I was a kid and didn’t understand much of it, but I sure enjoyed the fights.

And last but not least was Rigo. Based on his experience as a hardcore gamer, he believes that there is no perfect game until you get to know someone. Then, according to their personality traits, the recommendation will be more efficient. And if there’s no possibility or time left to do this, a 2D Mario Bros. can always do the trick. These titles have simple mechanics that won’t scare a newbie, and the learning curve is super friendly. You can even guide the person into getting aqcuiated with the game to make it less intense and more enjoyable.

He has a very interesting point. Getting to know someone can help to recommend a specific genre. Nevertheless, going with an old reliable such as Mario Bros. is an excellent option. Simple, familiar, entertaining, and in a way universal. Everybody knows Mario, right?

In conclusion, the most popular games to recommend to a newbie should be accessible on their playability, not so challenging, and come from common ground to make them a little more attractive.

In my opinion, I would offer a short indie game that introduces the person to the gaming world with a short one. This way, they won’t get tired of it. They will relish an interesting story and probably ask for more when they’re done with it. Monument Valley comes to mind; it’s practical because it’s available for smartphones, the story is deep, the art is beautiful, it includes a fair amount of challenge, and it’s free! A puzzle type that will wake the curious mind.

Would you add another game to the recommendations? Let me know in the comment section!


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