Check out these eerie illustrations inspired by Ocarina of Time

You haven’t met your worst childhood nightmare just yet

Check out these eerie illustrations inspired by Ocarina of Time

You haven’t met your worst childhood nightmare just yet

One game that has persevered through history as a timeless piece is, without a doubt, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. This title has offered more than one generation very tough moments and fond memories. It’s undeniable how epic and challenging the story was when we were young and how the gameplay was addictive for everyone at that time. And still is.

Nonetheless, Ocarina of Time also put us through callous times with its evilness and villains. Real trauma started there. We know this. And we are still unsure why, but a TLOZ enthusiast with a lot of talent decided to reinterpret the scariest creatures from the game into even more frightening nightmares. So get ready to relive the chills you felt when you were a child with these incredibly detailed illustrations.

Mexican artist Andrés Ríos has a keen eye for eerie art, which you can find on his social media. He does have some geeky art, but all in all, his creations go from existing creatures to whatever may come out of his imagination. And yes, they are all scary, but scary good! Regarding his TLOZ-inspired art, Andrés confessed that he chose those specific characters (Dead Hand, Bongo Bongo, ReDeads, and a Skulltula) because they were the ones that scared him the most when he was a kid and played the game for the first time. He added that he enjoyed making these illustrations so much that he’s looking forward to creating many more Zelda monsters in the future.

What are your thoughts on Andrés Ríos’ art? Let us know in the comment section!


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