This game that lets you massage waifus is coming to Switch very soon

Are you ready for the challenge?

This game that lets you massage waifus is coming to Switch very soon

Are you ready for the challenge?

If you are not yet the owner of a Nintendo Switch console, perhaps this attractive and different title proposal catches your attention and makes you want to get the console as soon as possible.

The publisher of Qureate has announced a rhythm game that will catch your attention as in this game; you will have the opportunity to massage a group of women in an anime style. That's right; you will massage waifus.

The daring game is called Massage Freaks, and in this game, it will allow you to cure some ailments that the protagonists have by performing some massages, all to the rhythm of the music, to relieve the stress they carry with them.

Those responsible for the game promise a great cast of anime girls, who must be helped with a secret technique that has been passed down from generation to generation within your family, which lets you know the music that people want to listen to subliminally and send it as waves of sound through your hands to their bodies.

The title will have a total of 50 songs, and the better you play them, the more clothes the girl will take off, but you'd better not get distracted and concentrate on finishing the massage to get a good score.

Massage Freaks is coming to the Nintendo Switch eShop on August 4 and will feature multiple languages, including Japanese and English.

Would you like to try this game? Tell us in the comments.

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