Get ready for Rollerdrome with some combat inside wire

Win top prizes in the upcoming thrilling bloodsport!

Get ready for Rollerdrome with some combat inside wire

Win top prizes in the upcoming thrilling bloodsport!

Rollerdrome is a third person action shooter that seamlessly blends high octane, visceral combat with fluid movement and tricking mechanics into one complementary and challenging whole, to create an original adrenaline-pumping shooter experience like no other.

It is a fast-paced bloodsport that will have you balancing gnarly skate tricks with high-powered firefights against the deadly House Players. To help you achieve maximum impact when you enter the Arena on August 16, PlayStation shared some tips from the devs who helped build the game and got the lowdown on the combat system.

Here are some inside pointers regarding weapons, game mechanics, and ammo that will surely level up your strategy next week!


There are four types of weapons in Rollerdrome, which you’ll unlock throughout the game:

  • Pistols: The classic double-pistols. These offer rapid-fire, ideal for releasing incoming missiles or mines. You can also use them to stun-lock enemies. However, firearms don’t do as much damage as other weapons and won’t always be effective against heavily armored enemies.
  • Shotgun: Slower than pistols, the gun is still a force to be reckoned with. Waiting for the crosshairs to line up while in Reflex Time can land you a Slug Shot – a seriously hefty blow that can take out weaker enemies with a single shot.
  • Grenade Launcher: One, it looks fantastic. Two, grenades do AOE damage and can be used to eliminate multiple enemies at once – just make sure you line the shot up right.
  • Z-11: This long-range energy laser is excellent for maintaining your combo when you find yourself far away from enemies.

Combos are achieved by eliminating enemies in quick succession. Swapping back and forth between weapons allows you to capitalize on the benefits of multiple armaments while maintaining a combo. For example, try blowing the doors off a Mecha Brut with a well-placed grenade before closing in and finishing it off with the shotgun. You can also shoot your grenade with the pistols, ensuring it detonates near a specific enemy. You can even use the detonation to change direction mid-air, though you will also take damage – so use this technique sparingly! Finally, use Slug Shots to stun-lock enemies and finish them with a quick barrage from the pistols before they have time to teleport away or shield up.

And remember: it’s not just your weapons at your disposal. A savvy player can press enemies into using their attacks against each other (or even themselves).


One of the critical mechanics you’ll need to utilize in Rollerdrome is Reflex Time. You can access Reflex Time by pressing L2 – but use this carefully, as Reflex Time only lasts for a few moments before needing to recharge. In Reflex Time, you’ll experience a brief moment of slo-mo gameplay, which is an excellent opportunity to use the rapid-fire pistols and stun-lock your enemies.

In Super Reflex Time (which you can access by perfect dodging just before you enter Reflex Time), you get a noticeable power boost – this is a great time to use pistols at short range or the Z-11 for further away foes. While you'll most of the time, you’ll access Super Reflex Time by dodging enemy attacks. You can also trigger it through your grenade launcher’s explosions! This will enable you to activate it on your terms without waiting for the enemies to attack.


It’s time to do some tricks. In Rollerdrome, ammo is acquired by skate tricks, so you’ll need to focus on that and take out your enemies. The best bang for your buck comes from mixing up and chaining together tricks – you can do this by stringing tricks together with wallrides, grinds, and grabs. For example, try using Reflex Time while in the air mid-trick to get a good scope on an enemy and take them out in style. Using a variety of tricks, rather than just the same ones over and over, is key to getting maximum ammo, so brush up on a bunch of different styles and make use of them wherever you can. For example, balancing keeping your combo up and taking out enemies simultaneously is turning tricky. In that case, you can also grab the floating yellow Combo Tokens to keep your combo going while you pull off a few quick tricks for a bit more ammo. Then it’s time to eliminate your enemies and emerge victorious.

Are you ready for Rollerdrome? Let us know in the comment section!

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