Woohoo! PlayStation 5 Tournaments will get an open beta soon

The legendary feature will arrive exclusively on PS5 consoles

Woohoo! PlayStation 5 Tournaments will get an open beta soon

The legendary feature will arrive exclusively on PS5 consoles

PlayStation OG’s know what Tournaments on PS are about. In case you’re not familiar with this feature, it was the year 2016, and a new way to play arrived for those with an aggressive side. The ‘Tournaments’ mode was first available on PS4, and now PS5 owners will be able to take a chance on this competitive experience with a public beta.

According to Eurogamer, Sony has announced an "all-new on-console tournament experience" coming to PS5 "in the coming weeks, in select countries" - and you can see some of its new looks below.

The feature allows users to join competitions for prizes and leaderboard bragging rights, with easy access from the PS5 Control Center and Game Hub. In addition, match results will be viewable in real-time, so you can track your progress and see who you'll be matched up with next.

The release date for the beta version hasn’t been confirmed yet, nor have the games that will participate in the upcoming feature. Also, the selected countries for this first version of Tournaments haven’t been disclosed just yet.

Just when Sony was giving official pricing raise for its console, some exciting news for PS5 owners arrived. Coincidence? Don’t you think so?

What are your thoughts on this? Let us know in the comment section!

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