Brand-new Poké Ball replicas have surfaced at the Pokémon Center

These are genuinely unique items for unique Poké-collectors

Brand-new Poké Ball replicas have surfaced at the Pokémon Center

These are genuinely unique items for unique Poké-collectors

For a professional Pokémon connoisseur, knowing there are many different kinds of Poké Balls is just their “bread and butter.” Of course, everybody knows the classic red-and-white Poké Ball that introduced us to how Pokémon were caught. But there’s so much more to Poké Balls than meets the eye. For example, you can find unique Poké Balls depending on the Pokémon’s type, if you want to restore its HP, or even if it’s a Legendary Pokémon.

And, of course, The Pokémon Company couldn’t let this pass by without creating a collectible for those who knew how unique each Poké Ball is. So, for some time, with the help of The Wand Company, they have been displaying different Poké Ball replicas that are on sale at the Pokémon Center.

This week, new Poké Ball replicas have surfaced on Poké, which are truly gorgeous. Check out the official announcement, and make sure to pay a visit to the Pokémon Center soon!

“Expand your collection with a new trio from The Wand Company: premium Premier Ball, Dusk Ball, and Ultra Ball replicas are now available at the Pokémon Center. These replicas are highly accurate, with finely detailed metal shells and beautiful painted finishes.

Not only do these Poké Balls look terrific, but they also have interactive electronics that enhance their realism! When you open its display case, multicolored lights begin to shine under the Poké Ball. The touch-sensitive nameplate on the display case also allows you to activate the platform’s lights. Each Poké Ball also has proximity sensors that make its power button glow brighter as your hand approaches.

Adding any one of these Poké Balls to your collection (or all three!) feels like welcoming a piece of the world of Pokémon into your home.”

What are your thoughts on these lovely replicas? Let us know in the comment section!


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