The Game Awards 2022 has been the most successful edition in the history of the event

The ceremony for the first time exceeded the barrier of 100 million views and continues to grow

The Game Awards 2022 has been the most successful edition in the history of the event

The ceremony for the first time exceeded the barrier of 100 million views and continues to grow

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A few weeks ago, one of the most important events in the video game industry took place, The Game Awards 2022.

With as many controversies as the boy who sneaked onto the stage until Christopher Judge's long speech in appreciation of his award, it was a great edition this year.

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Keighley confirmed through his social networks that the event's last edition had an unprecedented impact, since it had more than 103 million views on the Internet. The foregoing is important because it becomes the most successful edition in the almost 1-decade history of the event, since it left behind The Game Awards 2021, in which 85 million views were recorded (there was an increase of 20%).

As if that were not enough, more than 9.5 million unique users watched the event through Steam and there was a simultaneous audience of 850,000 people on this platform.


The Game Awards 2014 — 1.9 million
The Game Awards 2015 — 2.3 million
The Game Awards 2016 — 3.8 million
The Game Awards 2017 — 11.5 million
The Game Awards 2018 — 26.2 million
The Game Awards 2019 — 45.2 million
The Game Awards 2020 — 83 million
The Game Awards 2021 — 85 million
The Game Awards 2022 — 103 million

This would ensure the continuity of the event. In fact, Geoff Keighley apparently has big plans for the 10th edition, which will take place in December 2023.

What did you think of The Game Awards 2022? Tell us in the comments.

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