“J.K. Rowling does not deserve to prosper”, Hogwarts Legacy dev joins the boycott

Parker Hartzler worked as a technician; justifies his participation in the game

“J.K. Rowling does not deserve to prosper”, Hogwarts Legacy dev joins the boycott

Parker Hartzler worked as a technician; justifies his participation in the game

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A few years ago, J.K. Rowling, author of the original Harry Potter books, caused controversy with her statements that many classified as transphobic and intolerant. Since then, netizens and fans have sought to boycott any product related to the fantasy franchise, including the Hogwarts Legacy video game.

For months, users on social networks have invited the community to refrain from buying the open-world title. They also organized protests, which generated a lot of buzzes, from sharing spoilers to harassing streamers playing the game on Twitch.

In the midst of this controversy, a developer who worked on Hogwarts Legacy joined the boycott. Of course, this situation drew attention, and some called him a hypocrite.


Through his social networks, the technician Parker Hartzler, who claims to be an "ally," assured that he would not buy the video game from Waner Bros. Games and Avalanche Software even though his name appears in the credits. As he explains, he worked in the motion capture department.

In a follow-up tweet, Parker Hartzler said transgender people don't rock people like J.K. Rowling grow and prosper. He explains that he wants a future where "people are not discriminated against because of their gender, sexuality or any part of their identity."

It's important to note that the technician was part of a company that was subcontracted to work on Hogwarts Legacy. That's why he appears in the credits as a production outsourcing partner. Because he worked as an outside partner, he did not receive a free copy of the title.

As expected, this situation caused a heated debate on social networks. Many netizens criticized Parker Hartzler, stating that he was a hypocrite for working on the game in the first place.

Faced with this wave of criticism, the dev justified his decision and assured him that the people who attacked him cannot talk about his financial situation. He then explains that “if I had not shown up for work, I would have been fired soon, and I would lose my home.”

With this on the table, there were those who defended the worker and assured them that he saw the need to put aside his ethics to ensure his work and livelihood. However, others claimed that his excuse is lame and that his statements are disrespectful to his colleagues who also worked at Hogwarts Legacy.

But tell us, what do you think of this situation? Did Parker Hartzler do the right thing? Let us read you in the comments.

Hogwarts Legacy is now available for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

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