Nintendo wastes no time in targeting several Zelda YouTubers for using mods

Content creators called for a halt to copyright claims

Nintendo wastes no time in targeting several Zelda YouTubers for using mods

Content creators called for a halt to copyright claims

Gamers are very excited about The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, but some fans of the saga are having a hard time. The reason? Nintendo started to pull videos of youtubers focused on the saga, because they show mods.

The content creators raised their voices to denounce the situation and ask the company to stop, because they claim that their work is only to demonstrate their passion for the saga. However, the company has not given them any respite. In fact, the opposite happened, as Nintendo returned to attack their channels and to throw videos that are not even of The Legend of Zelda.

Nintendo targets youtubers and Zelda modders

This controversy started when modder Eric "PointCrow" Morino reported that Nintendo had pulled several of his videos featuring his multiplayer mod for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild. The situation has since worsened for the content creator, as Nintendo reported even more videos from his channel for a total of 28 claims.

In a recent video, Morino explains the situation in detail and points out that Nintendo's complaints continue to increase. They even now have complaints on their videos that are not related to the franchise. As you can imagine, the youtuber is completely disappointed and believes it's a hard blow to the entire community of creators.

He clarifies that his mods are not sold and that he has never encouraged piracy. He also clarifies that his projects do not modify the code or assets of Nintendo games, so he does not understand what is the reason for the claims.

"As per their decisions to take down challenge and gameplay videos alongside the modded content it will be difficult for any content creator to post creative concepts without having the fear of Nintendo exercising their copyright over video that is in line with their own policies," the modder stated.

The Zelda youtuber known as Croton for a similar situation. He recently denounced that Nintendo pulled 2 videos and 10 of his streams. He pointed out that there is even at least one video where no mods are shown, but it was still removed due to copyright claims.

"I would appreciate getting into contact with someone about this Nintendo of America, I'm heartbroken that I am being targeted when I've tried to do nothing but spread positivity and enjoyment with this game for years," Croton stated on his social networks. At the time of writing, the company has not commented on the matter.


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