Do Tomb Raider and Perfect Dark face danger due to the crisis at Embracer?

Players fear that layoffs and game cancellations will impact the franchises.

Do Tomb Raider and Perfect Dark face danger due to the crisis at Embracer?

Players fear that layoffs and game cancellations will impact the franchises.

Embracer Group's crisis follows the cancellation of a major business deal, resulting in layoffs, team closures, and the cancellation of several games. Fans of Tomb Raider and Perfect Dark are concerned that these difficulties will impact Crystal Dynamics.

Crystal Dynamics reassures fans of Tomb Raider and Perfect Dark

As a reminder, Square Enix sold Crystal Dynamics and Tomb Raider in May 2022. Embracer Group took advantage of this opportunity to acquire the studio, which now owns the IP. Currently, the companies are working with Amazon on the future of the franchise.

Additionally, Crystal Dynamics is collaborating with The Initiative, an Xbox studio, on the development of Perfect Dark. Due to recent announcements by Embracer Group, Crystal Dynamics released a brief statement to reassure players.

In it, they confirmed that their team and projects are not at risk. Therefore, Tomb Raider and Perfect Dark are safe and will not suffer the consequences of Embracer Group's crisis.

"Thank you all for asking about the recent news from our parent company Embracer Group regarding their restructuring plans.

"We want to assure fans that there will be no repercussions on our ongoing efforts for Perfect Dark with our partners at The Initiative or on our upcoming game for Tomb Raider, developed in collaboration with Amazon Games," explained Crystal Dynamics.

In its announcement this morning, Embracer Group stated that its most important confirmed projects would continue development without changes. Thus, fans of Tomb Raider and Perfect Dark can rest easy, at least for now.


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