After 16 years, friends who met in Halo 3 meet in person

Bungie's FPS forged a friendship that survived distance and the passage of time

After 16 years, friends who met in Halo 3 meet in person

Bungie's FPS forged a friendship that survived distance and the passage of time

In recent years, we've seen stories that demonstrate how video games can create unbreakable bonds between players. The recent case of two friends who met in Halo 3 is further proof that gaming can bring people together and forge lasting friendships.

While the campaign is the main attraction, Halo is also known for its multiplayer modes that offer immediate fun. Undoubtedly, the 2007 third installment is one of the most well-rounded in that regard, introducing some of the franchise's best maps in history and adding many unlockable items.

Friendship triumphs! Players who met in Halo 3 meet in person

User THATwasSMART210 is one of the millions of people who enjoyed Bungie's masterpiece upon its release almost two decades ago. During one of their online sessions, they met a player who became their first "gamer friend." Although distance separated them, they finally managed to meet in person.

Through a post on Reddit, the user shared their story, which quickly went viral with over 19,000 upvotes. They explain that after nearly 16 years, they were finally able to meet their friend whom they played Halo 3 with back in 2007.

A beautiful friendship that started in Halo 3
A beautiful friendship that started in Halo 3

In the comment section, THATwasSMART210 mentioned that they own a small moving business, so they travel across the country and no longer have time to play. Before their gaming days came to an end, they spent time with their friend playing CoD: Zombies, but they also kept in touch via Facebook.

The user mentions that their favorite game is Destiny and explains that they also made friends there whom they subsequently met in person. The Reddit post served as the perfect opportunity for many users to share their own personal stories in the comment box.

Undoubtedly, gaming is powerful and can bring people together. In fact, a recent study revealed that 70% of gamers make new friends through video games.

Last year, we shared the story of a young man who attended the wedding of a friend he met in a video game. In a similar story, a gamer invited the friends he played FIFA with to his wedding party.

But tell us, what do you think of this story? Do you keep in touch with a friend you met in a multiplayer game? Let us know in the comments.


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