The ESRB wants to scan your face to determine if you are old enough to play Fortnite

Are you old enough?

The ESRB wants to scan your face to determine if you are old enough to play Fortnite

Are you old enough?

Recently, Epic Games got into trouble after being sued for $500 million for allegedly violating the COPPA law, which protects the online privacy of minors. To avoid similar issues, the ESRB, the organization responsible for rating games, has proposed using facial scanning technology to verify whether players are adults or have permission from one.

According to, the ESRB, in collaboration with SuperAwesome (a subsidiary of Epic Games) and Yoti, proposed a facial scanning system to the United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The idea is that users would have to take a photo of their face before purchasing a game, which will be uploaded for verification. The photo will be sent to Yoti's servers, where an estimated age will be determined, and it will be checked if the person is of legal age. After verification, the photo is "permanently deleted."

If the system determines that the person in the photo is an adult, their account will be given the green light, enabling games like Fortnite to collect user information without violating COPPA laws. However, this proposal has raised concerns among many, as it is seen as a potential privacy violation and resembles systems used in China, where they restrict access to games for young individuals.

The ESRB claims that this verification method is optional and additional, but critics still see potential risks. So, what do you think about this measure? Share your thoughts in the comments.


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