Mortal Kombat 1 suffers review bombing due to Russia-Ukraine war

The title received a lot of negative criticism from the Russian players

Mortal Kombat 1 suffers review bombing due to Russia-Ukraine war

The title received a lot of negative criticism from the Russian players

Mortal Kombat 1 debuted to rave reviews from the press and gamers; however, its user rating has dropped drastically on Metacritic due to Russian gamers who review bombed the fighting title.

The reason? Fans from that region claim that they have no access to the online game and no pre-order bonuses. So they lashed out at NetherRealm and Warner Bros. Games for not warning them of this situation, which was apparently generated by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Russians do review bombing to Mortal Kombat 1

As you probably already know, several video game companies decreased their presence or left Russia once the armed conflict with Ukraine broke out. Apparently, this impacted the release of Mortal Kombat 1 in the region, as players in russia are unable to access the online mode.

Users complain that during testing they were able to enjoy the online component without problems, but now it is completely blocked. On the other hand, they are unable to claim the booking bonuses, so they are not at all happy and regret having purchased the title.

For this reason, many decided to express their frustration on Metacritic, a site where Mortal Kombat 1 already has a 5.8 rating from users. This as a result of review bombing and dozens of negative comments, where players demanded that the servers work in their region.

"By such actions towards the Russians, you are setting up a certain part of them against yourself and the entire Western world. Give the Russians the opportunity to use your services and they will reach out to you," reads one review.

At the time of writing, neither NetherRealm nor Warner Bros. Games have commented on the matter, so it's unclear what will happen to Russian players who want to enjoy all of Mortal Kombat 1 content.

Players are not happy with Mortal Kombat 1
Players are not happy with Mortal Kombat 1

Russia-Ukraine war impacted the video game industry

Many video game companies have taken a stand against the war, so they have decided to completely abandon or withdraw almost all of their services from Russia, the country that started the invasion. Because of this, some games have not debuted in Russia at all, have been delayed indefinitely or were released without Russian language support.

Faced with this, Russia has tried to remain in the industry and has plans to create its own development engines, games and even its own consoles. This is because companies like Nintendo, PlayStation, Valve, EA and more giants have turned their backs on it.


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