EA: the purchase of Activision Blizzard is good for the industry

Andrew Wilson noted that his company is also interested in acquisitions

EA: the purchase of Activision Blizzard is good for the industry

Andrew Wilson noted that his company is also interested in acquisitions

The purchase of Activision Blizzard King by Microsoft will mark a before and after in the industry, but in the end it was inevitable given that the sector is in its consolidation phase, which opens the doors to acquisitions made by the most powerful companies. While some consider it a risk for the Xbox company to have a publisher of that caliber, competitors think it is a move that will bring benefits to the business.

EA is in favor of the purchase of Activision Blizzard

During an interview with CNBC, Andrew Wilson, CEO of Electronic Arts, spoke about the recent closing of the purchase of Activision and the impact that could have in the video game industry. In this regard, the manager considered that the acquisition is positive for the simple fact that such a large company continues to be interested in video games in the medium and long term: "I think that Microsoft - Activision is something very important, it means that one of the most The world's largest companies will continue to invest in our industry to help us grow over time.

Regarding what is happening at EA, another of the largest video game companies, and its potential for acquisitions, Andrew Wilson pointed out that at the moment they are doing well but they are not closing the doors to making a purchase if the operation is attractive: "as we think about our position, certainly as a developer and publisher of the world's leading interactive entertainment content, we feel very good about the opportunity we have, and to the extent where there are possibilities to acquire, of course we will consider them.

Recently, the rumor revived that Disney could get fully into the video game business whenever its entertainment business goes through a bad time. In this regard, the name EA was considered by the company's directors as the best option for an acquisition and now that Activision Blizzard King already has an owner, attention has been placed on the successful company responsible for franchises such as EA Sports FC, Madden NFL, Star Wars Jedi, The Sims, Battlefield and more.

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