Informant shares disheartening news about Marvel's Wolverine

The PlayStation exclusive was announced in 2021 but is still far from its release

Informant shares disheartening news about Marvel's Wolverine

The PlayStation exclusive was announced in 2021 but is still far from its release

PlayStation studio Insomniac Games has become one of the best superhero game developers. One of the games generating high expectations is Marvel's Wolverine, but unfortunately, a new clue suggests that its release is still a long way off.

Just a few days ago, encouraging information emerged suggesting that the PlayStation 5 exclusive would have a scheduled release for the next year. However, a reliable informant shared contrasting news.

Through Patreon, the well-known and accurate informant Daniel Richtman revealed alleged new details about the development of Insomniac Games' project and predicted that the game would be ready not in 2024 but until 2025.

The informant mentioned that the title would be "darker" and "more violent" than the games the studio usually develops, reinforcing reports from other informants about the project.

To add to it, the informant anticipated that the game's events would take place in Madripoor, a fictional Southeast Asian island known for being a "haven for pirates" (via Push Square), and fans of the franchise are likely familiar with it.

Marvel's Wolverine will debut until 2025 according to the informant
Marvel's Wolverine will debut until 2025 according to the informant

Would Marvel's Wolverine still manage to debut in 2024?

Let's remember that both projects were announced in September 2021, although the Spider-Man one was clearly more advanced in its development. Certainly, there has been no news about the release date or window for Marvel's Wolverine, but a release in 2024 should not be ruled out.

We say this because Marvel's Spider-Man 2 had no release window until December 2022, and its release date was defined for October 2023 in June of the same year, just 3 months before; that is, Marvel's Wolverine still has time to debut in 2024.

However, you should know that Daniel Richtman has proven to be a reliable source in both film and video games. Anyway, we invite you to take all this information as unofficial since neither Insomniac Games nor PlayStation Studios have commented on it.

We will keep you informed.

Do you think Marvel's Wolverine will be released in 2024 or 2025? Tell us in the comments.

Marvel's Wolverine is in development exclusively for PlayStation 5, but it still has neither a date nor a release window.

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