Will the new Xbox arrive in 2026? Confusion raises hype, but don't get too excited

Microsoft's plans are different and point towards a longer duration for the current generation

Will the new Xbox arrive in 2026? Confusion raises hype, but don't get too excited

Microsoft's plans are different and point towards a longer duration for the current generation

Despite the slow start of the current console generation, thoughts are already turning to what the next systems from Sony and Microsoft will be, but it wouldn't be surprising if this era lasts longer than we think. The simple and inevitable question, "When will the new console from such and such company be released?" can lead to premature speculation, and this is what happened with Xbox.

Will the new Xbox be released in 2026?

This weekend, information surfaced indicating that 2026 is the year we would see the successor to Xbox Series X|S. This was attributed to the renowned journalist and insider Jeff Grubb, who made a statement to that effect on his podcast Jeff Grubb's Game Mess, where he considered the possibility of Microsoft's new system debuting in that year. However, once the news went viral, Jeff Grubb pointed out that in that part of the podcast, he was only speculating because there are no details about it, so initially, it is false that the new Xbox, the successor to the current generation, will debut in 2026.

When will the new Xbox, the successor to Xbox Series X|S, be released?

Now, if the next Xbox won't debut in 2026, when will it? We know that 6 years is a long time considering the traditional console timeline, but the reality is that the business has changed, and generations last longer than usual, especially this one, which was heavily impacted at the start by the pandemic.

That said, the related information available so far originates from official documents that were part of the lawsuit between Microsoft and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regarding the purchase of Activision Blizzard King. In one of these documents, plans that Microsoft and Microsoft Gaming have for a new console are mentioned, and in that case, the set year is 2028, not 2026. Based on this information, although considering that decisions can change at any moment for various reasons, the next Xbox will not see the light until 2028.

Stay tuned with us at LEVEL UP.

Source 1, Source 2


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