The open world of Final Fantasy Rebirth would be as incredible as that of this masterpiece

The second chapter of the Final Fantasy VII remake will debut next year

The open world of Final Fantasy Rebirth would be as incredible as that of this masterpiece

The second chapter of the Final Fantasy VII remake will debut next year

One of the major concerns in open-world video games is related to what happens, or doesn't, in side quests, as the possibility that they are merely filler and involve carrying items from point A to B is real. However, there are great examples that have demonstrated the potential around the main storyline, and one of the most anticipated titles of 2024 has taken note of how to do things right.

Which Western game inspired the development of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth?

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will debut on February 29, 2024, and at this point, the most important details have been revealed, including the percentage that the game will have in terms of side quests and exploration outside the main storyline. In this regard, it has been confirmed that 80% of the title will be dedicated to the open world and interactions with NPCs through side quests. Is there a reason to worry?

The answer is no, according to an interview conducted by Game Informer with the director of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Naoki Hamaguchi, and Motomu Toriyama, co-director of the action RPG. They revealed that the second chapter of Final Fantasy VII Remake is strongly influenced by The Witcher: Wild Hunt, a masterpiece by CD Projekt RED and one of the best video games in recent years.

In this regard, Naoki Hamaguchi stated that during the development process of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, he was inspired by The Witcher: Wild Hunt and the way it stood out for its open-world design and the interconnection of side quests with the main ones.

Motomu Toriyama, on the other hand, declared: "Regarding titles like The Witcher 3, which has that open-world RPG element, we did thorough research on these types of titles and saw it as a baseline that Rebirth should be a kind of title that can be at its level and have the kind of content that would be satisfying for its players."

In this way, it seems that the open world of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth has been carefully designed, and interactions outside the main story will contribute a lot of content without feeling like filler.

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