Xbox Angers Users with the Use of AI in a Christmas Message

Promoting the indie scene using controversial tools was not the best idea

Xbox Angers Users with the Use of AI in a Christmas Message

Promoting the indie scene using controversial tools was not the best idea

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in creative processes has sparked controversy, as it is believed that their indiscriminate and unregulated use will affect workers and the works themselves. Gaming is not immune to this, and dealing with this issue at the moment is not a good idea, especially when creating content. Recently, Xbox experienced this firsthand with its users on social media.

ID@Xbox Angers the Indie Community

Amidst this year's Christmas celebration, Xbox's independent games division, ID@Xbox, posted a message for the occasion seeking interactions with the community by asking what their favorite indie titles were. However, the responses were not what Microsoft's brand had hoped for, as Twitter users quickly noticed that the image accompanying the message had been created with AI. As a result, users didn't hesitate to criticize Xbox for its lack of tact on this controversial issue.

Xbox angered its fans with the use of AI for this post
Xbox angered its fans with the use of AI for this post

Some social media users pointed out to Xbox that using an AI tool that replaces the artistic work of a creative individual goes against the very concept of the independent video game scene. Hence, they considered the image created through this method to be a poor decision.

Faced with the wave of criticism against ID@Xbox's post, the account had no choice but to delete the Christmas message, confirming that it was indeed created with AI and acknowledging the public's reaction. There is currently a negative perception of these tools in the video game development process, even though studios have been using them in recent years.

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