Hi-Fi RUSH: Official Registration Anticipates Its Arrival on PlayStation and Switch

Will the successful Xbox game cease to be exclusive to its ecosystem?

Hi-Fi RUSH: Official Registration Anticipates Its Arrival on PlayStation and Switch

Will the successful Xbox game cease to be exclusive to its ecosystem?

When Phil Spencer mentioned that Xbox's strategy this generation was to break hardware barriers and reach more players, he was serious. Today, rumors indicate that one or some games exclusive to the Xbox ecosystem could debut on PlayStation and Nintendo Switch.

Hi-Fi RUSH Registered for Release on PlayStation and Switch*


In the midst of the debate about the hypothetical arrival of Xbox titles on PlayStation and Switch, a registration has surfaced on the official website of the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development, Communications, and the Arts of Australia. This government department is responsible for classifying video games, and one of its registrations under the name of ZeniMax and Shinji Mikami, titled with the code name "Project 2022A," shows that it is considered to debut on other platforms such as PC, PlayStation, and Switch.

Project 2022A: Hi-Fi Rush considered debuting on PlayStation and Nintendo before its release
Project 2022A: Hi-Fi Rush considered debuting on PlayStation and Nintendo before its release

Was Hi-Fi RUSH Temporarily Exclusive to Xbox?

Regarding this, the registration date for Project 2022A is December 15, 2022, when Bethesda | ZeniMax was already under Microsoft's ownership. Also, it took place weeks before Hi-Fi RUSH was announced and officially launched, which happened on January 25, 2023, after an Xbox event.

While a code name is indicated, the answer comes later as the site shows Hi-Fi RUSH with the concept "other versions" with the name change occurring on February 1, 2023. In other words, Project 2022A was the code name for the game developed by Tango Gameworks, and from the beginning, it was considered with the possibility of reaching other platforms.

In that sense, it would not be surprising if the exclusivity of Hi-Fi RUSH was temporary and ended a year after its release and the achievements it garnered. After all, it is a title owned by Microsoft and Xbox through the purchase of Bethesda, a company that until a few months ago operated autonomously under Xbox Game Studios before the restructuring of Microsoft Gaming; at the time of this registration, it maintained its autonomy.

Thus, everything indicates that Hi-Fi RUSH is close to arriving on PlayStation and Switch in a move that will undoubtedly generate controversy but will be logical from the perspective of Microsoft Gaming in its attempt to break barriers and bring its gaming proposals to more players.

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Source 1, Source 2, Source 3


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