"It's sad", 343i to make major change to Halo Infinite and fans are worried

The studio announced new content, but not everyone is pleased

"It's sad", 343i to make major change to Halo Infinite and fans are worried

The studio announced new content, but not everyone is pleased

Despite all its problems, 343 Industries has kept Halo Infinite afloat with a seasonal model. However, this will soon change, as the studio confirmed that it will not continue with this path and will modify the title's update approach.

Through a statement, the company detailed all the new features that are on their way to the game. In addition to new cosmetic items and additions for Forge, the Seasons scheme will be abandoned to inaugurate Operations, which will arrive regularly with new content.

Halo Infinite will abandon seasons and fans fear the worst

343i announced that Halo Infinite will receive in the future a new multiplayer map, more options and items for Forge, special TV series content, an update for Big Team Battle and multiple quality of life improvements.

One of the most important changes is the end of the seasons, which will become Operations from January 30. So, there will be no Season 6, but there will be a content update. For now, the studio announced 3 Operations, which will arrive with various new features yet to be confirmed: Spirit of Fire, Cyber Showdown III and The Yappening II.

While the announcements excited the community, the reality is that it was bittersweet news for some. The reason? Several gamers believe that 343i is moving away from the game to focus on the future of the franchise.

Several fans criticized the studio for its stumbles with the game and for breaking its promise to support it for 10 years. They were disappointed by everything that happened with this installment, so they hope that 343i will do a better job on the next game.

On the other hand, there are players who are happy with the news, as they believe it is time for the company to forget about Halo Infinite after everything that happened and better focus on the future of the saga.

Finally, part of the community doesn't want to leave Halo Infinite behind, so they asked 343i for a DLC for the campaign. There were also requests for the company to not only focus on cosmetic content in the coming months.

Not all fans are satisfied with the future of Halo Infinite
Not all fans are satisfied with the future of Halo Infinite


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