Is Starfield coming to PlayStation 5? Insider clears up rumors about Xbox title

Reports claim that Bethesda's RPG will go multiplatform

Is Starfield coming to PlayStation 5? Insider clears up rumors about Xbox title

Reports claim that Bethesda's RPG will go multiplatform

In recent days, various sources assured that Starfield and other major Xbox exclusives will be coming to PlayStation 5. Phil Spencer, head of Microsoft Gaming, will speak on the matter next week; however, reliable sources clarified some of the rumors in this regard.

Specifically, NateTheHate, who initially backed the information about the Starfield port, qualified some of his statements. Through his social networks, he commented that he rechecked the report and came to the conclusion that it is false.

Insider claims that Starfield won't be coming to PS5 after all

In the end, it looks like Starfield won't be coming to PlayStation 5
In the end, it looks like Starfield won't be coming to PlayStation 5

Starfield is one of the most recent exclusives in the Xbox ecosystem. For this reason, its possible arrival on Sony's console divided the opinion of some fans. On the one hand, PS5 users were excited, as they were not happy to miss out on the RPG.

On the other hand, Xbox fans lashed out at Microsoft for their supposed change in strategy, as they feel that having exclusives like Starfield is important for the brand. While nothing official has been confirmed, NateTheHate now claims that the PS5 port is a fake.

"Over the course of the week, I've rechecked the info mentioned below & the information suggesting Starfield was PS5-bound is false. I will not delete the tweet. I'll own the mistake. A previous report from January discussing Microsoft bringing games multiplat remains accurate," stated the insider.

Because of his recent statements, gamers believe that other similar reports are also false, such as those indicating that Gears of War and various Halo titles will be coming to the Japanese company's systems.

NateTheHate added that one part of all the recent reports is accurate: Microsoft will be bringing at least some Xbox games to other consoles. All that remains is to wait for Spencer to clarify the situation and reveal the alleged titles that will go multiplatform.

Insider clarifies Starfield port rumor
Insider clarifies Starfield port rumor


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