Sony has a secret project that will disappoint PlayStation fans

Patent shows company has not given up on NFTs

Sony has a secret project that will disappoint PlayStation fans

Patent shows company has not given up on NFTs

Despite their plummeting popularity, several companies still have interest in non-fungible tokens, better known as NFT. Digital collectibles have generated various controversies in the industry; however, all indications are that Sony and PlayStation have not given up on implementing them in some form in their ecosystem.

Sony and PlayStation still have plans for NFTs


Several Sony and PlayStation patents related to NFTs surfaced months ago. The companies have explored various ideas for leveraging digital collectibles and getting their players interested in them.

In a new patent, Sony talks about a new concept called super-fungible tokens, which would be something similar to a bundle of several NFTs. Each would be tied to an asset or object that could be used in multiple games.

The project includes a system to allow players to trade and even gift these assets to other members of the community. It is speculated that the super-fungible tokens would be made up of skins, weapons, skills and more common video game elements.

As we mentioned, the idea is that players can take an NFT from such a package to use it in different titles, probably of the same genre. The patent speaks in general of sports and fighting titles.

For months now, the brand's gamers have been unhappy about the possibility of PlayStation adding NFT to its games. Many fans of the company are hoping that this and other patents have been thrown out after all the criticism of digital collectibles in various industries.

Sony and PlayStation still have interest in NFTs
Sony and PlayStation still have interest in NFTs


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