Susan Wojcicki, Google pioneer and former head of YouTube, has passed away

The executive lost her battle with cancer at the age of 56

Susan Wojcicki, Google pioneer and former head of YouTube, has passed away

The executive lost her battle with cancer at the age of 56

The tech industry is in mourning. This morning, the death of Susan Wojcicki, a key executive at Google and former CEO of YouTube, was confirmed. According to reports, she passed away yesterday, August 9th, after losing her battle with cancer at the age of 56.

Her husband, Dennis Troper, shared the sad news on Facebook. Susan Wojcicki was diagnosed with lung cancer two years ago. Her family released an emotional statement to bid her a final farewell. Additionally, executives from Google and other tech companies expressed their sorrow over Wojcicki's passing.

"It is with profound sadness that I share the news of Susan Wojcicki passing. My beloved wife of 26 years and mother to our five children left us today after 2 years of living with non-small cell lung cancer.

"Susan was not just my best friend and partner in life, but a brilliant mind, a loving mother, and a dear friend to many. Her impact on our family and the world was immeasurable. We are heartbroken, but grateful for the time we had with her. Please keep our family in your thoughts as we navigate this difficult tim” wrote her husband.

Susan Wojcicki was a pioneer in the tech industry and leader of YouTube

Susan Wojcicki was instrumental to the success of YouTube and the growth of Google
Susan Wojcicki was instrumental to the success of YouTube and the growth of Google

Susan Wojcicki played a crucial role in the growth of Google and the resounding success of YouTube. She studied at Harvard University, where she graduated in History and Literature. She later studied economics at the University of California. Before joining Google and helping to build the tech giant, she worked in marketing at Intel and some startups.

In 1999, she joined Google as employee number 16. Initially, she served as the first marketing manager and achieved significant milestones, such as the launch of Google AdSense, which became one of the company's main revenue sources.

She also led the launch of Google Video and, in 2006, was involved in the acquisition of YouTube. Due to her achievements, she took on the role of CEO of the video platform.

Under her leadership, YouTube transformed into the world's largest video platform, with over 2 billion monthly users. Her strategy focused on expanding the platform's content, providing tools for creators, and planning monetization through ads and subscriptions.

Wojcicki left her position at the company in 2023, and Neal Mohan took her place at the helm of YouTube. Sundar Pichai, Google’s CEO, posted a special message to say goodbye to the executive and highlight her contributions to the tech industry.

“Unbelievably saddened by the loss of my dear friend Susan Wojcicki after two years of living with cancer. She is as core to the history of Google as anyone, and it’s hard to imagine the world without her.

“She was an incredible person, leader and friend who had a tremendous impact on the world and I’m one of countless Googlers who is better for knowing her. We will miss her dearly. Our thoughts with her family. RIP Susan, Susan.”

Executives bid farewell to Susan Wojcicki
Executives bid farewell to Susan Wojcicki

At LEVEL UP, we extend our condolences to Susan Wojcicki’s family and loved ones. We also wish her peace in her final rest.


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